Showing 1–15 of 31 results
- Female/Male31-40 Years/41-50 Years/Above 50 Years/Below 30 YearsNeutrophis are most numerous type of wbc that is part of bodys immune system , ANC is estimate of bodys ability to fight infections, especially bacterial infection , ANC done to screen & diagnose many conditions like infection , inflammartion … Read More₹120
- Female/Male31-40 Years/41-50 Years/Above 50 Years/Below 30 YearsEosinophil is type of WBC , linked to certain infections & allergic disease . Test measures quantity of eosinophil in blood. Test done to diagnose allergic condition , drug reaction or certain perasitic infection.₹120
- Female/Male31-40 Years/41-50 Years/Above 50 Years/Below 30 YearsLymphocytes are second most numerous WBC in blood (that play key role in fighting against virus , bacteria, parasites & cancers. Test help in diagnosis of infection , certain cancer & monitor treatment.₹120
- Female/Male31-40 Years/41-50 Years/Above 50 Years/Below 30 YearsAcetone : Test meausre blood level of ketones and a byproduct of fat metabolisum, produced when glucose is not avalible in body as energy source, test is done to help diagnose life threatening problems, Such as diabetic ketoacidosis of alkoholic … Read More₹190
- Female/Male31-40 Years/41-50 Years/Above 50 Years/Below 30 YearsAlkaline PO4 : ALP is an enzyme, found through out in body in all the tissues, but highest concentration of ALP are found in liver, bile duct and bone, ALP is measure is part of routine liver function test to … Read More₹190
- Female/Male31-40 Years/41-50 Years/Above 50 Years/Below 30 YearsTest measures blood levels of ammonia , a waste product formed by bacteria in intestine during protein digestion. Test is done to detect an elevated levels of ammonia that may be caused by severe liver disease, kidney failure or certain … Read More₹650
- Female/Male31-40 Years/41-50 Years/Above 50 Years/Below 30 YearsTest is used to determine presence of autoimmune disorderes like Systematic lupus erythematosus (SLE), Rheumatoid arthritis, sjogren’s syndrome. Test detects antinuclear antibodies in blood.₹900
- Female/Male31-40 Years/41-50 Years/Above 50 Years/Below 30 YearsTest determine persons blood type also called ABO and Rh typing. Blood groups are classified based on proteins present on surface of RBCs, known as surface antigen which are unique to each blood group. Two important surface antigen on human … Read More₹130
- Female/Male31-40 Years/41-50 Years/Above 50 Years/Below 30 YearsTest that determines amount of glucose in blood. RBS : checks blood sugar in random sample , not associated with fasting. FBS : checks blood sugar in fasting blood sample. PP2bs : checks blood sugar in smple collected 2 hr … Read More₹50
- Female/Male31-40 Years/41-50 Years/Above 50 Years/Below 30 YearsCholesterol is type of fat/lipid which moves throughout body in blood,carried by lipoproteins,which is includes LDL,HDL & VLDL. Test used to monitor people with high risk of cardio vascular diesese or stroke,to diagnose certain medical conditions & to monitor how … Read More₹200
- Female/Male31-40 Years/41-50 Years/Above 50 Years/Below 30 YearsIt is set of Laboratory tests that provide information about cells that make up blood , Like white blood cell s, red blood cells & platalets & check for any infection / disease in body. A routine screening check up … Read More₹280
- Female/Male31-40 Years/41-50 Years/Above 50 Years/Below 30 YearsAlso known as full blood count (FBC), It is set of Laboratory tests that provide information about cells that make up blood , Like white blood cell s, red blood cells & platalets & check for any infection / disease … Read More₹330
- Female/Male31-40 Years/41-50 Years/Above 50 Years/Below 30 YearsTest detect creatinine levels in blood. Creatinine waste product that forms when creatine, which is found in muscle , breaks doan. It is eliminated from body via kindneys. So it is usually performed along with other laboratory tests including BUN … Read More₹190
- 31-40 Years/41-50 Years/Above 50 Years/Below 30 YearsTest measures blood levels of body’s main electrolytes, Sodium, potassium and chloride. Test is done as part of health screening in high risk person such as hypertention or when electrolyte imbalance such as, dehydration, lungs and kidney disease and metabolic … Read More₹480