31-40 Years/41-50 Years/Above 50 Years/Below 30 Years
Test measures quantity and quality of semen fluid aqs well as health and viatility of spermatozoa.test is ordered as part of infertility in testing or after vasectomy to determine if operation was successful.
31-40 Years/41-50 Years/Above 50 Years/Below 30 Years
Test evaluates interaction between sperm & mucus of cervix. Test used as part of evaluation of infertility. Test has to be done within 24 hrs of ovulation. It is considered valid it is done within 4-6 hrs of sexual intercouse.
31-40 Years/41-50 Years/Above 50 Years/Below 30 Years
Test involves biochemical and microscopic examination of various types of bodily fluids, like pleural fluid, peritoneal fluid, pericardial fliud, synovial fluid etc. A wide variety of diseases and pathological processes cause abnormal accumulation of fluid within body. test is done … Read More
31-40 Years/41-50 Years/Above 50 Years/Below 30 Years
Test detects levels of an enzyme ADA (Adenosine deaminase). Test help detect or rule out tuberculous infection in pleural fluid. It can also be helpful to detect TB infection in other body fluid like peritoneal fluid or cerebrospinal fluid(CSF).
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