Showing 1–15 of 23 results
- Female/Male31-40 Years/41-50 Years/Above 50 Years/Below 30 Years24 hrs Creatinine clearance : Test measures creatinine levels in both a sample of blood and a sample of urine from 24 hrs urine collection. Test is done to help evaluate health of kidneys; to help diagnose kidney dysfunction or … Read More₹500
- Female/Male31-40 Years/41-50 Years/Above 50 Years/Below 30 Yearstest detects urinary levels of vanillylmandelic acid(VMA) , a breakdown product of epinephrine and norepinephrin (catecholamines). Test help to detect or rule out neuroblastoma or other neuroendocrine tumor; to monitor effectiveness of treatment.₹2000
- Female/Male31-40 Years/41-50 Years/Above 50 Years/Below 30 YearsIt is chemical test used to detect presence of bile salts and bile pigments in urine. Test helps for diagnosis and differential diagnosis of various conditions causing jaundice and in cases with liver disease.₹100
- Female/Male31-40 Years/41-50 Years/Above 50 Years/Below 30 YearsBleeding Time (BT): Test that measures how fast small blood vessels In skin stops bleeding. Test helps diagnose bleeding problems. Test may be ordered pre operately for minor operation in patient with suspected bleeding tendencies, Abnormal bleeding time may be … Read More₹150
- Female/Male31-40 Years/41-50 Years/Above 50 Years/Below 30 YearsTest detects blood levels of D-Dimer , a protein fragment that is produced when blood clot dissolves in body. Test ordered to help diagnose conditions related to thrombosis such as deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, or DIC and to monitor … Read More₹1200
- Female/Male31-40 Years/41-50 Years/Above 50 Years/Below 30 YearsTest measures blood levels of factor 9 , a clotting factor produced by liver. Test used to help diagnose hemophilia B and also monitor coagulation factor replacement therapy.₹1900
- Female/Male31-40 Years/41-50 Years/Above 50 Years/Below 30 YearsTest measures blood levels of factor VIII a blood clotting factor. Test useful for diagnosing bleeding disorders associated with factor 8 deficiency like hemophilia A, diagnosing acquired deficiency states, to investigate causes of prolonged activated partial thromboplastin time . A … Read More₹1900
- Female/Male31-40 Years/41-50 Years/Above 50 Years/Below 30 YearsTest detects presence of fibrin degradation products (FDP) in blood. FDPs are produced as results of dissolution of fibrin clot in body. High levels of FDPs are helpful in diagnosis of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC),severe liver disease, eclampsia , pulmonary … Read More₹700
- Female/Male31-40 Years/41-50 Years/Above 50 Years/Below 30 YearsTest measures blood levels of fibrinogen, a protein that involved in blood clotting (clotting factor ). Test ordered as part of investigation of possible bleeding or clotting disorder, to evalute level of fibrinogen when other coagulation tests are abnormal.₹700
- Female/Male31-40 Years/41-50 Years/Above 50 Years/Below 30 YearsTest detects presence of lupus anticoagulant (LA) in blood. LAs are autoantibodies produced by body that targets body’s own cells & interfere with blood clotting. Test helps to diagnose autoimmune disorder SLE, dermine cause of unexplained clot formation like Deep … Read More₹1000
- Female/Male31-40 Years/41-50 Years/Above 50 Years/Below 30 YearsTest detects urinary levels of myoglobulin, a small protein that found in heart & skeletal muscle. When there is injury to heart/ skeletal muscle, myoglobulin increases in blood & urine. Test is done to help diagnose conditions associated with muscle … Read More₹500
- Female/Male31-40 Years/41-50 Years/Above 50 Years/Below 30 YearsTest measures acidity/ alkalinity of urine sample. Test is done as part of routine urine analysis, to assess risk of kidney stone, help diagnose urinary tract infection or to determine effectiveness of some drugs that can be effected by urine … Read More₹100
- Female/Male31-40 Years/41-50 Years/Above 50 Years/Below 30 YearsTest detects urinary levels of porphyrin, a compound by product of heme synthesis; test helpto diagnose and some time monitor a groups of disorders called porphyrias affecing nervous system and / or skin.₹300
- Female/Male31-40 Years/41-50 Years/Above 50 Years/Below 30 YearsTest detects presence of protein and suger in urine. Test used to screen diabetic patient for development of kidney disease. Test also done as part of routine urinalysis or to monitor kidney disease.₹100
- Female/Male31-40 Years/41-50 Years/Above 50 Years/Below 30 YearsPT is blood test that measures how long it takes blood to clot. Test is useful help diagnose a bleeding disorder or excessive clotting disorder. The international normalized ratio (INR) is calculated from PT is used to monitor how well … Read More₹250